Mercy4Mankind (M4M) is part of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) that takes its inspiration for its charitable initiatives from the example of the Founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He has been referred to in the Holy Quran as ‘Mercy for all the Worlds’ and this is reflected in his teachings and practice. He was a source of peace and mercy for all and left behind teachings encouraging his followers to do the same. He sought to protect the rights of the oppressed and subjugated, he elevated the rank of women in a society which despised them, he established the rights of animals and even trees.


Lacing Up for Change: Mercy 4 Mankind’s Charity Runs Transforming Canadian Communities

Mercy 4 Mankind charity runs are making a significant impact across Canada. These dynamic events blend fitness with philanthropy, uniting people from all walks of life to support meaningful causes

July 15, 2024

Mercy 4 Mankind Racing Towards Compassion

We at Mercy 4 Mankind, - believe- in spreading kindness but run for it, quite literally. Through their vibrant charity runs, Mercy 4 Mankind has carved a path where every

July 5, 2024

Mercy4Mankind Charity Runs Galvanizes Community Support

In a remarkable display of compassion, the Mercy4Mankind Charity Runs has emerged as a beacon of hope, uniting individuals from all walks of life in a common cause. This annual

May 17, 2024

Mercy 4 Mankind

Mercy4Mankind (M4M) is part of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) that takes its inspiration for its charitable initiatives from the example of the Founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace

December 19, 2023

Blood Drive

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) in partnership with the Canadian Blood Services (CBS) has committed to host blood drives in major cities across Canada. Donating blood forms a key

December 19, 2023

And We Have Sent Thee Not But As A Mercy For All Peoples.




Blood Donations


Homeless Feeding


Shelter Bus




Outreach Efforts


Trees Planted


Million Pounds Food Collected


Blood Donation Clinics

Our Partners

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) sought to help people regardless of their faith. He established a treaty within the city of Medina, where people of various faiths lived, and he laid the blueprint of interreligious tolerance by not differentiating between people based on their faith. His mercy extended to all and he taught kindness towards animals and said that even planting trees was a charity. Hence, Muslims find mercy was the very fabric of this holy person.


“I personally feel that the alignment of Ahmadiyya [Muslim] values with Canadian values – values of openness, respect, compassion and willingness to work hard and desire to be there for each other – these are the kinds of things we need so much more of in the community and in the world.”

Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community is a reminder of what is best about Canada. Your hard work and dedication to serving those around you, giving back to your community, and standing in defence of religious freedom for all are things every Canadian can stand behind you on. I will work tirelessly to bring home a Canada where all Canadians, no matter where they come from, can achieve their dreams. Thank you for all you do.

Pierre Poilievre Leader of the Official Opposition of Canada:

Warm greetings to everyone taking part in the Mercy4Mankind Charity Runs. Building a great province begins with strong, healthy communities. Many thanks to the good folks of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community for taking part in these runs. Events such as this bring people of all faiths and cultus- res together to raise awareness of worthwhile causes.

Doug Ford Premie of Ontario

The Run for Vaughan is a top tier event in the City of Vaughan that brings us together behind a united mission: better local healthcare in the heart of our community. I am continuously grateful and impressed with this volunteer-driven organization that is raising over $2M in support of the Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital. Team Lecce will continue to actively participate with one of the largest teams and donations, as we work to ensure it is the largest run yet!

Stephen Lecce Ontario Minister of Education

Since 2003, the Run for Vaughan has contributed meaningful support to our goal of bringing a hospital to Vaughan - and together, we achieved that goal. Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital is Canada's first smart hospital and the first net-new hos- pital to open in Ontario in more than 30 years. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a vital part of our city and country, and I want to thank each of its members for their dedicated and purposeful efforts in making our home the best it can be.

Steven Del Duca Mayor of Vaughan

“The City of Markham is honoured to host its inaugural Mercy4Mankind Charity Run. The event, organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, not only promotes health and unity, but also exemplifies the caring spirit that defines Markham. The commitment and dedication of the organizers, participants and supporters illustrates the positive impact we can achieve when our community comes together for a common cause.”

THE HONOURABLE MARY NG DesignationMember of Parliment Markham-Thornhill

"I applaud Mercy4Mankind's inaugural Charity Walk/Run in Markham, following their remarkable 20-year legacy of giving. With a strong track record and dedication to community, their support for Markham Stouffville Hospital reflects their commitment to local well-being. I commend their unwavering spirit."

Logan Kanapathi MPP, Markham Thornhill

“The City of Markham is honoured to host its inaugural Mercy4Mankind Charity Run. The event, organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, not only promotes health and unity, but also exemplifies the caring spirit that defines Markham. The commitment and dedication of the organizers, participants and supporters illustrates the positive impact we can achieve when our community comes together for a common cause.”

Mayor Frank Scarpitti City of Markham

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a vital part of Markham and we are so grateful for all the work you do to benefit so many. Markham shares your motto for service of "Love for All, Hatred for None" where all are included irrespective of race, gender or beliefs. Congratulations and thank you to all who are participating in this Inaugural Mercy4Mankind Walk/Run benefitting The Markham. Stouffville Hospital Foundation.

Jim Jones Regional Councillor City of Markham

We are thrilled that Markham’s Milne Dam Conservation Park is hosting the inaugural Mercy4Mankind walk/run in Markham. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Markham share core values of kindness, togetherness and service to humanity. Anything is possible when we all work together. Thank you to Mercy4Mankind and all involved that will make this charity walk and run a success.


Fast Facts


$3MM Raised for
Canadian Charities


Over 50,000 trees planted by our volunteers throughout Canada


Approximately 1,000 KMS cleaned, 30,000 man hours spent & 50 Localities cleaned


More than 1,000 pints of blood (equivalent of saving 3000 lives) collected and donated by ethnic minority groups

Hospital & Care Home Visits

Over 5,000 visits to care homes & hospitals across the country

Free The Homeless

Approximately, 50,000 homeless feeding packs distributed across Canada